Instant Winners!

Attract new customers and engage with all.

Attract New Customers

Use a game universally loved to tell customers about your business.

Promote Your Business

Get more attention to your business with a unique offer that people will love and share.

Easy to Use

Setup is a breeze! Have your campaign ready in under 24 hours and let it run automatically. All you have to do is tell the world about it.

Go Viral

Everyone loves a scratch card. Your campaign is easily shared via email or social media and will quickly become popular.

Attract Interest

Use a scratch card campaign to attract new customers! Offer a great prize to generate interest and introduce new people to your business.

Drive Traffic

Build an email list, sign people up for an SMS text club, showcase a video, or send them to a page on your website.

Easily Entertain

Scratch cards are easy to create. You can have a campaign running in less than a day! Entertain your customers with a game that attracts and engages them.


Our new scratch card is custom-designed for your business. User-friendly, eco-friendly, goes anywhere…attract and engage with your audience today!

Scratch Cards Work for All Types of Business

Scratch Cards Work for All Types of Business

We got a new and interesting question today. A potential client asked if businesses that operate solely online could use a scratch card. The answer is an emphatic YES! Businesses that we would call "brick and mortar", meaning those that have storefronts that people...

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Scratch Cards are Affordable

Scratch Cards are Affordable

One principal that is of utmost importance around here is that of affordability. It doesn't do our clients (or us!) any good if our marketing and promotional techniques are too expensive. We aim never to waste precious marketing dollars. So let's break down some...

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Scratch Cards are Easy to Promote to Customers

Scratch Cards are Easy to Promote to Customers

Once you get your campaign set up, promoting to customers is easy. Start with existing customers. If you are a "brick and mortar" business, then create a small poster to display in the entry and another at your cash register. Make sure all employees know to ask if...

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14 + 5 =

Find Us Online


We are Earnest Enterprises, LLC. We create websites, mobile apps, videos, and engaging online tools to help businesses build their online presence. Stay up-to-date with all of our endeavors via our Facebook page.

Speak to Amy: 616-755-8444

Please use the contact form to reach us by email.

91 Butterfly Ct, Ionia MI 48846